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Overseas Student Support

JK Educate provides tutoring and educational support for students in all age groups from 4+ to undergraduate level, and with both British and international curricula. School entrance exams are one of our specialist areas and for many years we have been helping children from across the world to gain places at elite British schools, including students from Hong Kong, China, India, Singapore and the US.

We have a very successful track record in preparing students for UKiset, ISEB, 11+ and 13+ Common Entrance Exams (CEE), 4+, 7+ and 16+ exams.

This page provides a summary of how we can support overseas students both before and during their studies in the UK. Call us on +44(0)203 488 0754 to find out precisely how we can meet your specific requirements.

Expert Support Service for Transition to British Schools

JK Educate has a long and proven, highly successful track record of assisting children coming into the British school system from overseas and helping them gain a place at the right school for them. We have extensive knowledge of the independent boarding and day schools in London and across England that are likely to be of interest to families transitioning from overseas to the UK.

We are proud to offer an outstanding educational consultancy service, to advise and support you through your childā€™s educational journey. This includes expert schools advice and assistance with the move into the British education system, plus general support for education in the UK for international students. We have many years of experience in supporting families through the process of selecting which schools to apply for and preparing children for the entrance exams at 4+, 7+, 8+, 9+, 10+, 11+, 13+ or 16+. We prepare children using our depth of knowledge regarding the requirements of the ISEB (Independent Schools Examinations Board) and the individual schools that set their own papers, with lessons taking place via our secure and interactive online tutoring platform.

We can also offer a comprehensive yet flexible School Placement Service upon request, for families who would like us to research suitable schools for overseas students and apply to them on their behalf. Call +44(0)20 3488 0754 or email us here if youā€™d like to know more about this service.

Online Tutoring

How can a child who is overseas be tutored from the UK?

JKā€™s tutoring is always bespoke, and we carefully match the right tutor with each child, taking into account their personality and the learning needs and working style identified by our academic assessment. This is an important element in the success of our online tutoring provision, as the relationship between tutor and student can be key to the studentā€™s engagement and performance. Our UK-based tutors successfully teach children worldwide, including in Hong Kong, China, Dubai and Canada, using online tutoring.

How does online tutoring work?

Our online tutoring programme provides a shared screen with an interactive whiteboard, allowing tutors and students to upload documents, write together, see each other and keep a copy of documents.

This online teaching software facilitates a variety of long-distance one-to-one tutoring online. This includes overseas students preparing for the entrance exams for elite British schools and general support for education in the UK for international students. We also provide tutoring support for study in the UK, for international students sitting British public exams at GCSE and A Level and students seeking support for university applications and undergraduate study.

How good are JK Educate tutors?

JKā€™s tutors undergo rigorous selection and are thoroughly trained by the JK Academy, a provision unique among tutoring agencies. This also allows us to get to know all our tutors well, which in turn helps us in matching the right tutor to every child. We invest heavily to maintain high standards of teaching and client service, with constant monitoring of tutor performance and student progress, along with regular feedback to parents. We can provide client testimonials and our up-to-date success rates upon request.

JK Educate is a corporate member of The Tutorsā€™ Association and one of the top tutoring agencies featured in The Good Schools Guide. The JK senior team are all former school leaders with many years of education experience and accumulated knowledge that is freely shared with our tutors and clients.

Support for British School Entrance Exams

How can JK help a child pass the entrance exams for selective schools in the UK?

We provide a wrap-around service, from initial conversations, child academic assessment and school choices to online tutoring and mock exams, to support your family throughout the school application process. We have experienced education consultants and expert online tutors, all accustomed to supporting this journey together and with great success.

We are in regular contact with schools to ensure we have the most up-to-date information on curriculum and exam requirements and the application and exam schedules. We use tailored learning materials and tailor the teaching programme to ensure each childā€™s preparations are perfectly paced to maintain momentum and peak at the ideal time for the entrance exams.

Support for GCSEs, A Levels and IB

Our online tutors are increasingly in demand for online tutoring at these levels to help international students at British secondary schools. Sometimes tutors are needed to trouble shoot specific areas of the curriculum in an A Level, IB or GCSE subject, and they also provide support for coursework and help shape revision for mocks and the final exams.

With challenging tutorial sessions and guided additional reading or practice, students can be helped to truly excel in their GCSE, IB or A Level exams and coursework. The fully supported learning is tailored to a studentā€™s individual needs, focussing on areas of weakness or interest to deepen knowledge and practice the skills required to get the desired grades.

Our tutors have a wide range of expertise and we have online tutors available to support students in every subject. Just let us know with which subjects you require assistance and weā€™ll find the right tutor for you. Call +44(0)20 3488 0754 or email us here to discuss your needs.

Support for British University Admissions and Undergraduate Study

Can JK help with university applications?

Our university entrance advisors work with individual students from the UK and overseas, to support them in their university choices and help them apply to UK universities. They help students to prepare and submit appropriate, high-quality university applications, showing evidence of thorough research and careful thought. They have a wealth of experience in personal statement writing and interview techniques and can give highly valuable additional advice for international applicants. The application specifics with which we can help include subject-specific Oxbridge interview preparation, Russell Group University preparations, Biomed applications and interview preparation for medical, dental and veterinary schools

Can JK provide tutoring support for undergraduates?

Our graduate tutors provide excellent undergraduate tutoring. The tutoring approach for undergraduate study supports in-depth learning, offering challenging sessions and directed further reading and practice. Sessions might include help with organisational and study skills as well as specialised tutoring in a studentā€™s chosen field of study. The tutor-student relationship can also provide particularly welcome individual support to students who are new to the UK or studying here while their families are overseas. JK Educate provides bespoke education support and advice – and exceptional teaching – to every one of our students, whatever their age. Call +44(0)20 3488 0754 or email us if youā€™d like to know more about how we can help you.

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