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13+ Tutoring For CE Success

One-to-one tutoring from carefully matched tutors, specially trained in teaching students all subjects required to pass the 13+ CE exams. Available in person or online, through our interactive online tutoring programme, our tutoring standards are carefully monitored by JK’s senior team.

Choose from our range of carefully matched Common Entrance 13 plus tutors, specially trained in teaching students facing the 13+ exams. Monitored by JK’s senior team, our tutors provide the strategies and knowledge to help your children prepare best. What’s more, they are available both in person or online.

We support families throughout the process of school admissions at 13+, from academic assessments and advice on school choices to preparations for pre-tests. Our 13 plus tutors also aid with interview preparation and one-to-one tutoring for relevant CE exam subjects.

Our teaching resources are regularly updated, with our expert focus on the ever-changing requirements of schools’ entrance exam procedures.

Why Choose JK’S 13+ Tutors?

JK Educate’s 13+ tutoring department offers comprehensive support to families preparing for the Common Entrance exams. Our tailored services are designed to offer a wide range of assistance, from workload planning all the way to post-work feedback.

Here are just some of the reasons why you should choose JK’s 13+ tutors:

  • Our 13+ private one-to-one tutors undergo a rigorous selection process.
  • Each student is thoughtfully matched with one of our dedicated 13+ tutors based on their individual learning style and personality.
  • Our tutors develop personalised teaching plans for each student, taking into account their current knowledge and the specific 13+ curriculum covered at their school.
  • Our tutors develop 13+ teaching materials, which are regularly updated to align with the evolving requirements of the 13+ exam boards and the entrance exam procedures of various schools.
  • Parents receive regular and detailed feedback based on their child’s progress relative to the agreed-upon targets.
  • But why should you enter into 13 plus tuition in the first place? Let’s explore why there is no better way to prepare your child for Common Entrance exams.

Benefits of 13+ Tutoring

Among the many benefits of hiring 13 plus tutors include:

  • Unmatched exam replication: JK’s interactive multi-media platform faithfully replicates online exam conditions for 13+ Common Pre-Test preparation.
  • Wide resource access: benefit from the availability of ISEB’s online resources, including Atom Learning, Planet Bofa, and Pretest Plus, enhancing the learning experience.
  • Flexible lesson scheduling: this enables continuous tuition during school holidays and effortless rescheduling without the burden of travel constraints.
  • High availability: enjoy access to a diverse array of home or online specialised tutors, unrestricted by geographical location.

Call 020 3488 0754 or email us to find a hand-picked 13+ tutor for your child.

Does JK Have 13+ Tutors Near Me?

We offer 13+ tutoring services in two formats: in-person sessions at students’ homes within London and its surrounding areas, and interactive online tutoring accessible nationwide.

Regardless of which one you choose, we take great care in pairing your child with a tutor whose personality and teaching style align with their individual needs. We understand from experience that this matching process is crucial for your child’s success, as the right tutor serves as a trusted mentor.

Our tutors are hand-picked, high-calibre educators who possess extensive knowledge, exceptional teaching skills, and a genuine enthusiasm for guiding their students. You can get to know some of our experienced 13+ tutors here.

What is the Common Entrance exam?

The 13+ admission process commonly involves two key assessments: the Common Pre-test, which students typically take in either Year 6 or Year 7, followed by the Common Entrance exams in Year 8.

Not all schools provide the Common Pre-test. However, in cases where it is required, students often receive conditional offers based on their performance in it.

These conditional offers are typically contingent on the students’ performance in the Common Entrance exams, which ultimately determines their confirmed places in the respective schools.

Common Pre-Tests

  • The Common Pre-Tests are taken when a pupil is in Year 6 or Year 7 and are an age-standardised measure of ability and attainment. They are commissioned from GL Assessment and cover verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning, English and mathematics. Preparations for the verbal and non-verbal reasoning elements are similar to those for the 11+ and JK can match children with the ideal 13 plus pre-test tutor for them.

Key features of the Common Entrance Pre-tests

Some key features of the Common Entrance Pre-tests include:

  • They are online and adaptive, in a multiple-choice format
  • They take about 2.5 hours to complete (English 25 minutes, mathematics 50 minutes, non-verbal reasoning 32 minutes, verbal reasoning 36 minutes)
  • The four tests can be taken together or at separate times. They are sat in the candidate’s own school, at the senior school for which he or she is entered or at an independent testing centre
  • Results are available to all senior schools which register the same candidate and therefore a candidate need only sit the test once for a range of senior schools
  • The tests are unique to ISEB and are standardised for the independent sector

Independent secondary schools will offer provisional places to promising candidates, but they will still need to be tested at 13+ level through a series of exams covering a range of academic subjects.

Call 020 3488 0754 or email us to find a hand-picked 7+ tutor for your child.

When is the Common Entrance Exam Held?

Pupils sit the Common Entrance examination at 13+ when they are in Year 8. There are three examination sessions each year, in November, January and May/June.

What is in the Common Entrance Exam?

The composition of the  13+ entrance exam varies greatly between schools. For the 13 + Common Entrance exams, all pupils sit three compulsory core subjects in English, mathematics and science. They may also be required to sit additional papers in a wide range of subjects including geography, history, classics, modern foreign languages, and theology, philosophy and religion.

These additional exams are specified by individual schools. While many schools use Common Entrance papers exclusively in a full range of subjects, others require Common Entrance exams in only the three core subjects alongside using their own papers in the other subjects. The core subjects, Latin, Classical Greek and most modern languages are offered at more than one level.

It’s also important to know which level of paper the chosen school uses. JK Educate can assist in advising on the requirements for each school.

ISEB provide a mark scheme for common entrance papers, but schools are free to mark the papers however they see fit, depending on their entrance criteria and required pass mark.

Our 13+ tutors guide students in what to prepare for each school they apply for and provide the appropriate teaching and resources. Before utilising our services, it’s very important to know which schools the student will be sitting early, so that the correct preparation takes place.


If a student successful in their pre-tests and/or their CE exam, they will be invited to interview with the schools that are interested in their application.

Most of these interviews are based around demonstrating the ability to reason and explore concepts which are new to most pupils. Once the exams have shown what the candidate knows and can do, the school will be interested in assessing their potential. JK’s expert 13+ tuition team can help with individual interview preparation.

Top Tips for Common Entrance Preparation

The 13+ CE are a rigorous set of exams, and it can be a long and arduous exam journey over up to four years from start to finish. One of the main tips for children taking the 13+ exam is developing their independence, resilience and perseverance.

Students need to remain positive and motivated, so as well as teaching exam content, JK tutors also focus on exam techniques. These include timing, pacing and remaining calm, which are all essential for exam success.

As the Common Pre-Test is adaptive, it is important that students pace themselves and read each question carefully to avoid inaccuracies. Once a question is answered in the Common Pre-Test, the student is unable to go back and edit their answer choices, so tracking progress is an important skill.

Other key factors for success include familiarisation with the different types of questions, learning strategies for answering these and plenty of practice.

As the Common Pre-Test is an online multiple-choice exam, students need to be taught the process of eliminating wrong answers. If a student comes across a question which is unfamiliar, they need to think about how they approached other similar questions which they have previously completed.

JK’s 13 plus tutors arm their students with the best strategies for tackling the different exam formats and different question types.

What subjects are included in the 13+ common entrance exam?

The 13+ Common Entrance exam includes Maths, English and Science as compulsory subjects:

In addition to these compulsory subjects, a wide range of additional papers may be chosen, and the specific subjects may vary depending on the school your child is applying to. Some of the additional subjects that may be included in the 13+ Common Entrance exam may include French, Religious Studies, Spanish, Latin, Geography and History.

The choice of additional papers can vary from one school to another, and it is advisable to check the specific requirements of the school your child is applying to for the most accurate information on the subjects included in their 13+ Common Entrance exam.

When should students start 13+ Tutoring

Students should consider starting their 13+ tutoring approximately six months before the exam, which typically occurs in March of Year 8. This preparation can involve using practice papers at home or seeking specialised 13+ practice papers.

If assistance is required for Pre-tests or Common Entrance, it’s advisable to begin planning even earlier, and JK Educate can provide guidance on a suitable timeline.

How quickly can my child start 13+ tutoring with JK?

Our expert tuition team can swiftly initiate 13+ tutoring, typically within one to two weeks. The process starts with an academic assessment for your child, followed by a family meeting to establish a targeted approach tailored to your target school. After these steps, tutoring sessions can commence.H

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