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The 11+ Journey

Enhance the experience with the range of complementary services we have developed to make the experience even more successful!

Here at JK Educate, we first started the JK 11+ Journey six years ago and it has continued to evolve since then. To begin with, we would assess all of our children as usual and then children simply either opted for individual tutoring or to join our Year 5 Tutor Group for the duration of the journey.

Parents often asked us if we offered a mock exam, which we didnā€™t, but it soon became apparent that a JK 11+ Mock Exam would be ideal for our children to practise the whole exam experience. It would also provide parents with up to date feedback on progress and provide tutors with next step targets for tutoring. We could see instantly if students were on track and were managing the exam experience.

Our two JK 11+ Mock Exams became a permanent fixture for all 11+ children and have provided guidance and reassurance to our families as they progress through the journey.

We also realised that for many children, studying individually can be isolating and they would benefit from meeting other 11+ children of a similar standard who are going through the same process. Thus, our JK 11+ Workshops were born, for children who wanted to immerse themselves in maths and English for a day, have a lot of fun and collaborate with other like-minded children.

Our initial three workshops soon mushroomed into five per year and then seven.

Children really enjoy the JK 11+ Workshop experience, led by experienced maths and English specialists; the day passes in a flash and the children learn new concepts and skills, whilst consolidating others. They begin to see themselves as competent learners and have a chance to measure themselves against others and become really motivated.

So for any children who have individual tutoring, or attend our Year 5 Tutor Group, these complementary services of mock exams and workshops from JK Educate are winners every time.

Click here for details on workshops.

Click here for 11+ mock exam information.

Learn more about our 11+ tutoring services.

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