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11+ Mock Interviews

Schools are increasingly interviewing or observing children interacting in small groups, so there is a real benefit in preparing them to know what to expect, and how to manage themselves on the day. This is where the JK 11+ group and individual mock interviews provide valuable preparation and practice.

Schools are increasingly interviewing or observing children interacting in small groups, so there is a real benefit in preparing them to know what to expect, and how to manage themselves on the day. This is where the JK 11+ group and individual mock interviews provide valuable preparation and practice.

Group Mock Interviews

Our group interview consists of a three-hour session, with a maximum of 6 children in a group. The group interview tasks are delivered by a qualified, experienced senior teacher with an experienced member of the JK team watching the childrenā€™s responses and writing up their observations and recommendations for each child. Each session is highly  interactive and very similar to the type of activities and tasks that are given to children in group interview situations.

The skills we test during these mock interviews include: listening skills, collaboration, leadership skills, team work, general knowledge and behaviour. We always want this to be a very positive and helpful experience so that in the real interviews they will be able to show their very best!

We follow up the mock interviews by sending each parent a brief report based on the childā€™s performance. The reports are accompanied by some general information and tips to further help parents to get involved in their childā€™s preparations.

Individual Mock Interviews

Our individual interviews are delivered in two parts:

  • Part 1: This is aimed at the entire group of students in a 1 Ā½ hour ā€˜classroom basedā€™ introductory session about individual interviews. The session starts at 9am and includes a general introduction to explain the reasons schools do individual interviews and highlight what they are looking for. It reveals the doā€™s and donā€™ts at individual interviews and how children can best to present themselves both verbally and non-verbally. It is a very interactive and visual session.
  • Part 2: Each child is then given an individual 30-minute mock interview. This gives each child an opportunity to use some of the techniques and methods delivered to them in the introductory session and helps each one of them prepare personally for the interviews. Each child and parent will be told the time for their individual interview. These interviews run throughout the rest of the morning and parents will be told what time to pick up their child.

The skills we test during these mock interviews include: communication skills, current affairs knowledge, use of imagination, body language, ability to express opinions, positivity and vocabulary.

After the interview we send parents feedback on how their child did and how they can support them further, to show themselves at their best for the real thing.

We would advise parents to book both the individual and group mock interviews as they prepare the children for very different aspects of the interview, and both do tend to come up.

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